Oftentimes when individuals donate to a charity, the money becomes "invisible."

By this, we mean the donor has no clear understanding of how their money is being used or what percentage of their contribution is going directly to the cause. On a larger scale, when corporations or governments give large sums of money, the funding can get lost in overhead spending or worse, corruption.

ALL of your money goes toward making a difference.

We believe that as an individual donor you should know where 100% of your donation is going. Our unique subscription model allows you to see exactly how your funds are being used.

When you sign up for our annual Subscription for Change program, each year you are assigned a new project and the opportunity to see firsthand how your money is helping a community in need.

Working with Communities

In addition to creating a community of donors, we have also created a community of nonprofits around the world. For all of our projects, we form collaborations with nonprofits that work directly with people in need of a solution. We take our time to vet these organizations to ensure they have a history of managing similar projects and a strong commitment to their community. Over the years, we have worked with some of these groups multiple times and across a range of projects.

Making a difference. Seeing the change.

Once your donation is assigned to a Donation Team, you’ll receive email updates with images and stories about the project you are helping fund. These updates allow you to see the progress of a project from an idea to a finished infrastructure project that will contribute to a community for years to come.


  • 53


  • 32,000


  • 15


Donate & Be the Solution!

Sign up for our Subscription for Change program and help a new community in need every year. It’s a subscription to change the world.