The Problem

The Alpha Nursery School is located in Darjeeling India. Originally started solely as a nursery school, they now serve students through class four. With only six small classrooms, their space is extremely overcrowded and does not allow adequate space for the students.

  • Located In


  • 25

    People Served

  • Funded by

    34 Donors

The Solution

We will be funding the construction of a new classroom for the school. The new room will help alleviate the overcrowding and give the students and staff some breathing room.

Donation Team

  • Alak T.
  • Albert D.
  • Barbara W.
  • Caitlin C.
  • Dan C.
  • Deborah S.
  • Dennis M.
  • Dina W.
  • Evie W.
  • Farrah V.
  • Gina F.
  • Ines C.
  • Jane C.
  • Jean P.
  • Jeri G.
  • Jesse J.
  • Jim B.
  • Joey K.
  • Kira S.
  • Marian F.
  • Martha N.
  • Matt T.
  • Michael J.
  • Pat J.
  • Raymond T.
  • Rosalyn U.
  • Sharon J.
  • Wende J.
  • In memory of Alfia Livaccari
  • In memory of Christine Cauchi
  • In memory of Joe Mahler
  • In memory of Kathleen Ann McGreevy
  • In memory of Nicholas Caimano
  • In memory of Teresa Mazzotta

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