The Problem
The Jonathan Scheffer High School is located in the village of Juanga in the state of Odisha, India. With over 150 students, this school has no toilet facility of any kind. Sanitation is a major problem in rural schools throughout India. Beyond the obvious health issues that this brings by having to use the open field, there is also the stigma for teenagers of being out in the open.
Located In
People Served
Funded by
1 Donors
The Solution
Having previously funded a similar project for the local primary school, we helped fund a new toilet facility for the high school. The finished project has a brick construction with separate boys and girls facility and water for hand washing. The structure also has a separate septic tank.
Donation Team
- Anonymous
Project Updates
Jun 2013
We are returning to the village of Juanga in Odisha (formerly Orissa), India to collaborate again with our friends at the nonprofit organization Citta. In 2011, we funded the construction of a toilet facility for the local primary school that previously had nothing available to them. Upon completion, the school incorporated a health and hygiene program for the students. There were plans for construction of a similar facility for the nearby high school and the preliminary work had been started, but unfortunately funding ran short and they were unable to finish the construction. We are happy to be returning to help support a second school with the construction of a much-needed toilet facility for the older students. The design and construction will be very similar to the first project completed at the primary school.
Aug 2013
Local laborers are making good progress as the building begins to take shape. The finished building will have a girls and boys portion and water for hand washing.
Sep 2013
The walls of the new sanitation project are taking shape as work continues on this important project. Despite having heavy rains, construction has been moving forward and is getting closer to being completed.
Dec 2013
The physical structure is up with a new roof and only needs some last resurfacing of the exterior and paint to be finished and ready for use by the students at the school.
May 2014
With a fresh coat of cement plaster and a new roof, the toilets being built at the High School in Juanga, India are nearly done. Getting some skilled labor on board for this work took longer than anticipated, but by the looks of things, the project will be done soon. Sanitation is a critical need in many parts of the world and it is through projects like these that we are making a vast improvement to young lives.
Sep 2014
Our second sanitation project in the village of Juanga, India is complete. A private donor provided the necessary funds for the construction of a toilet facility at the local High School which serves nearly 200 students, but had no sanitation facilities at all prior to our intervention. A few years back we funded a facility at the primary school in the same village. Good sanitation is a major issue in many parts of the world and being able to provide projects like this makes a major impact on health related issues.