The Problem

With the spread of the coronavirus, the world faced an unprecedented health challenge. The village of Juanga is located in the state of Odisha and is mostly a community of farmers. Being outside of a major city has its benefits of less population density, but it also faces the challenge of having access to soap and sanitizer.

  • Located In


  • 250

    People Served

  • Funded by

    7 Donors

The Solution

Working with the local nonprofit Citta, we have provided the funding needed to supply the local hospital with soap, masks and hand sanitizer in order to ensure a safe environment for the local community and the patients they see at the hospital.

Donation Team

  • Augusta S.
  • Barbara S.
  • James B.
  • Luke F.
  • Mamta P.
  • Margaret P.
  • Nate M.

Project Updates

  • Jul 2020

    • Medical staff from the local hospital visited many local families to distribute masks and hand sanitizer.